TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 7/15/2024       TIME: 5:15 PM
LOCATION: Dakota Prairie Elementary School, 111 26th St S
Dr. Summer Schultz, Superintendent Wesley Tschetter, President Teresa Binkley, Vice President
1.0 Call to Order/Roll Call
1.1 The Board President electronically takes roll call for the board meeting to establish a quorum. Info
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
2.1 The board and the audience will recite the Pledge of Allegiance Info
3.0 Comments from the Audience
3.1 This is an opportunity for members of the audience to address the board concerning issues that are not on the agenda. Per policy KD, presentations should be as brief as possible. Unless an extension of time is granted, a speaker will be limited to three minutes. Info
4.0 Approval of the Agenda
4.1 Request to pull from Consent Agenda Info
4.2 Approve the agenda as proposed Action
5.0 Reading of the School District Vision Statement
5.1 Vision Statement: Empowering all learners to embrace and be inspired to realize their potential. Info
6.0 Conflict of Interest Declarations
6.1 This is a time for board members and administration to identify any items on the agenda that could be considered conflicts of interest (per SDCL 3-23) Info
6.2 Consideration of conflict of interest waivers as presented Action
7.0 Old Business
7.1 Approval of Bills Action
7.2 Approval of the June 10th and July 9th Minutes Action
7.3 Approval and/or Correction of the Financial Report Action
7.4 Approval of a Supplement to the 2024-2025 Budget Action
8.0 Reorganization of Board of Education
8.1 Adjournment of the 2023-2024 Board of Education Action
8.2 New Board Member Oath - Debra DeBates Info
8.3 New Board Member Oath - Keli Books Info
8.4 Convene 2024-2025 Board - Elect President Action
8.5 Elect Vice-President Action
9.0 Presentations
9.1 Stacey VanBeek, Director of Business Services, will present the 2024-2025 Budget Hearing Info
10.0 Communication/Discussion Items
A) Board Communications
10.1 Performance Oversight Committee
10.2 Facilities and Construction Committee
10.3 Policy and Governance Committee
10.4 School Finance Committee
10.5 Mental Health Coalition
10.6 Transportation Committee
10.7 General Board Member Communications
B) Administrative Reports
10.8 The Superintendent will share information about events of the past month or about topics coming up for future consideration.
C) Other Communication/Discussion Items
10.9 Notification of review of Policy CCB-R "Organizational Chart"
10.10 Notification of review of Policy DJ "Purchasing Procedures"
10.11 Notification of adoption of new Policy DJC "Bidding Requirements"
10.12 Notification of adoption of new Policy DK "Payment Procedures"
10.13 Notification of adoption of new Policy DLC "Expense Reimbursement"
10.14 Notification of adoption of new Policy DN "Surplus Property"
10.15 Notification of review of Policy EFD "Meal Charge"
10.16 Notification of adoption of new Policy GCB "Qualifications of Teachers"
10.17 Notification of review of Policy IIA "Instructional Materials"
10.18 Notification of review of Policy IIAC "Library Materials Selection and Adoption"
10.19 Notification of adoption of new Policy IIBFA "Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology"
10.20 Notification of review of Policy IIBG "Use of Computers and Networks"
10.21 Notification of review of Policy JFC "Learner Conduct"
10.22 Notification of review of Policy JFGA "Law Enforcement and Department of Social Services Learner Interview Policy"
10.23 City/School Land Transfer
11.0 Consent Agenda Action
11.1 Approval of the Personnel Report Action
11.2 Approval of the Open Enrollments Action
11.3 Approval of the 2024-2025 School Board Meeting Calendar Action
11.4 Approval of declaring the Brookings Register as the Official Newspaper Action
11.5 Approval of Dr. Summer Schultz & Stacey VanBeek as Negotiations Designees Action
11.6 Approval of Director of Business Services, Stacey VanBeek, as Authorized Fiscal Agent of the District, which will include Title I and other federal programs Action
11.7 Approval of Director of Business Services, Stacey VanBeek, as Custodian of Trust and Agency accounts Action
11.8 Approval of Helsper, McCarty, & Rasmussen, P.C. and Christian Shafer, School Attorney, with Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, and KSB School Law as the Legal Counsel for the District Action
11.9 Approval for the annual school board election to be held on the 2nd Tuesday in April (in coordination with the city election) Action
11.10 Approval for board member compensation to be $60 per meeting if serving in an official capacity and for compensation of attending all other meetings will be $10 per meeting, exception will be made for board members sitting on interview and negotiations teams (compensation for this will be $60.00 am/pm) Action
11.11 Approval to designate interest earned to respective funds except for Trust and Agency and Enterprise Fund interest will be transferred to the general fund Action
11.12 Approval of the District to Inter-Fund Borrow for Cash Flow Purposes Action
11.13 Approval of designating the School Resource Officers as the District Truant Officers Action
11.14 Approval to set the Staff Expense Reimbursement Rates Action
11.15 Approval to set Activity Pass prices Action
11.16 Approval of the 2024-2025 Rates for Use of School Facilities Action
11.17 Approval of the 2024-2025 Meal Prices Action
11.18 Approval for the district to participate in the Emergency School Bus Mutual Assistance Pact Action
11.19 Approval of Performance Foodservice for the 2024-2025 Prime Vendor Contract for the Eastern SD Food Buying Group Action
11.20 Approval to Waive the Reduced Priced Meal Fee for Students at Breakfast and Lunch for Those Eligible for Reduced Priced Meals Based Upon the Federal Income Guidelines Action
11.21 Approval to designate Keith Fodness, Director of Facilities, as the district's AHERA Asbestos Coordinator Action
12.0 Action Items - New & Unfinished Business
12.1 Approval of Donated Items Action
12.2 Approval to enter into the Associated School Boards Property Insurance Fund Action
12.3 Approval to amend the early retirement document with First Bank & Trust Action
12.4 Approval of the revisions made to Policy GCDB "Background Checks" Action
12.5 Approval of the Temporary Easements for the 12th Street South Shared-Used Trail/Crosswalk Project Action
12.6 Approval of the 2024-2025 Project SEARCH Handbook Action
12.7 Approval of the 2024-2025 Preschool Program Family Handbook Action
12.8 Approval of the 2024-2025 Elementary School (K-3) Learner Handbook Action
12.9 Approval of the 2024-2025 Intermediate School Learner Handbook Action
12.10 Approval of the 2024-2025 Middle School Learner Handbook Action
12.11 Approval of the 2024-2025 High School Learner Handbook Action
12.12 Approval of the 2024-2025 Learner Activities Handbook Action
12.13 Approval of the 2024-2025 Learner Activities Advisors Handbook Action
12.14 Approval of Chris Long nomination for West River At-Large Representative for the South Dakota High School Activities Association Action
12.15 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Brookings School District & Luther College for Student Teachers Action
12.16 Approval of Oldham-Ramona-Rutland School District to pick up/drop off students at the Casey's General Store on 6th Street Action
12.17 Approval of the Administrative Rule Waiver Application for Sarah Barefoot Action
13.0 Executive Session - Pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 Subsection (1)
13.1 Approval to enter into Executive Session Action
14.0 Adjournment
14.1 Adjournment Action
Dakota Prairie Elementary School is accessible to persons using wheelchairs and others with disabilities. Informational materials will be available in large print upon request. Assistive listening devices, materials in other alternative formats, ASL interpreters and other accommodations will be made available upon request. Please contact Amanda Kesteloot, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at 605-696-4717 or Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to help ensure availability.